Hector J. Levesque - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Hector J. Levesque
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  1. Knowledge, Representation and Reasoning (Inbunden)


    Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque

    ISBN: 9781558609327 - UTGIVEN: 200406

    Knowledge representation is at the very core of a radical idea for understanding intelligence. Instead of trying to understand or build brains from the bottom up, its goal is to understand and build intelligent behavior from the top down, putting the focus on what an agent needs to know in order to [...]

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    från 995.00 kr
  2. Thinking as Computation (Inbunden)


    Hector J. Levesque

    ISBN: 9780262016995 - UTGIVEN: 201202

    This book guides students through an exploration of the idea that thinking might be understood as a form of computation. Students make the connection between thinking and computing by learning to write computer programs for a variety of tasks that require thought, including solving puzzles, understa[...]

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    från 396.00 kr