IN A CHAOTIC WORLD of plummeting moral standards "The Way To Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living "reaches out to millions of people across 130 nations with a message of integrity, morality and trust. Now "The Way To Happiness" has been produced as a powerful feature-length film. And wit[...]
?Det finns inte mycket till glädje i att vara stelt och dystert högtidlig. När en del människor i äldre tider fick det att verka som att man måste leva ett strängt och glädjelöst liv, om man ville vara dygdig, antydde de indirekt att all njutning kom sig av att vara ondsint. Ingenting kan v[...]
"Den optimala datamaskinen är ett ämne som många av oss har studerat. Man kanske blir en aning förundrad när man först föreställer sig en sådan dator. Men faktum är att maskinen existerar. Det finns miljarder av den i bruk idag, och många, många fler miljarder har tillverkats och använ[...]
Här är L. Ron Hubbards första beskrivning av Dianetik. Den cirkulerade ursprungligen i handskriven form, och snart kopierades den och skickades från hand till hand tills den bokstavligen spreds över hela planeten. Ryktet om boken spreds från mun till mun vilket lade ytterligare kol på brasa[...]
"Självanalys kommer att ledsaga dig i det mest intressanta äventyret i ditt liv. Äventyret om dig. Hur effektiv är du? Vilka potentialer har du? Hur mycket kan du förbättras? Ja, i grunden har du goda avsikter gentemot dig själv och dina medmänniskor. Även om de ibland överskuggas av dål[...]
"A big biography of John Campbell, the genius magazine editor who created a mass market for science fiction, couldn't be timelier. Alec Nevala-Lee's granular portrait of Campbell and the quirky superstars whose careers he launched in the 1940s and 1950s is a gift to science fiction fans everywhere."[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
Scientology: The Fundamentals of ThoughtDesignated by L. Ron Hubbard as the "Book One of Scientology. "After having fully unified and codified the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology came the refinement of their "fundamentals. "
Originally published as a resume of Scientology for use in transla[...]
For thousands of years Man has searched, pondered and
speculated about the true "meaning of life." But, in
Scientology, that search has culminated -- for the secret
has now been discovered. Based on precision Axioms
(self-evident truths), these are the answers -- answers
you've b[...]
DianeticsIf you've ever felt there was something holding you back in life, ruining your plans and stopping you from being who you want to be, you were right.The fact is, there is a single source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt. It's called the reactive mind - the hidden part[...]
Here is Ron's first description of Dianetics. Originally circulated in manuscript form to a few friends, it was soon copied and passed hand-to-hand until it literally circled the globe. But the resultant word of mouth only fueled the fire. With thousands of letters requesting more information, Ron c[...]
?Det finns inte mycket till glädje i att vara stelt och dystert högtidlig. När en del människor i äldre tider fick det att verka som att man måste leva ett strängt och glädjelöst liv, om man ville vara dygdig, antydde de indirekt att all njutning kom sig av att vara ond[...]
Do you really know yourself? Now you can, with Self Analysis. This book will take you through your past, your potentials, your life. First, with a series of self-examinations and using a special version of the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, you plot yourself on the Tone Scale. Then, applying a s[...]
De smärtsamma erfarenheterna från vårt förflutna har helt klart en effekt på oss i nutid - men i vilken grad och varför?
Detta är vad Dianetik handlar om.
Dessa två DVD-diskar är följeslagare till "DIANETIK: Hur tanken påverkar kroppen", den mest lästa och uppskatta[...]
En film om hopp och befrielse i en kaotisk värld.
''Det finns ingen människa i hela världen som inte kan börja om på nytt.''
I en kaotisk värld med snabbt sjunkande moraliska normer når ''Vägen till lycka: En guide till ett bättre liv'' miljontals människor i 130 län[...]
Describes the religious philosophy, practices, organization, and activities of Scientology, and documents its influence on society[...]
A stirring historical adventure that sweeps across the rugged Northwest even as a nation and its destiny are being forged. The journals of Lewis and Clark record that on July 27, 1806, a Blackfeet Indian chief was killed in an encounter with that now-famous expedition. In the same journal, a few pag[...]
Professor James Lowry doesn't believe in spirits, or witches, or demons. Not until one gentle spring evening when his hat disappears, along with four hours of his life. Now, the quiet university town of Atworthy is changing?just slightly at first, then faster and more frighteningly each time he trie[...]
The ancient jungles of the Yucatan hide a world of secrets . . . the secrets of wealth, love, and fate. Now daredevil pilot Kurt Reid is about to tempt fate and fly into the heart of that jungle in search of his destiny--an adventure as daring and dangerous as any undertaken by Indiana Jones.
A triumphant tale of heroes, honor and impossible odds. On the trail of dope runners on the high seas, Coast Guard CPO Johnny Trescott receives an SOS from a transport plane that's crashed and sinking. With lives at stake, Johnny must cut off his pursuit and rescue the downed plane.
True joy and happiness are valuable.If one does not survive, no joy and no happiness
are obtainable.
Trying to survive in a chaotic, dishonest and
generally immoral society is difficult.Any individual or group seeks to obtain from life what pleasure
and freedom from pain that t[...]
Your passage to unforgettable worlds of imagination and escape. Discover the new visionaries of imagination in the Writers of the Future. Established in 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard expressly for the aspiring writer, Writers of the Future has become the most respected and significant forum for new talent [...]
A three-dimensional entertainment experience especially effective for (ESL) English as a Second Langauge readers, librarians, parents, educators and students. Michael Patrick Obanon is suddenly ousted from his spread by a band of criminals who falsely claim his ranch. Our "caballero"'s got to think [...]