Written over a span of more than two decades, the essays by Iris Marion Young collected in this volume describe diverse aspects of women's lived body experience in modern Western societies. Drawing on the ideas of several twentieth century continental philosophers--including Simone de Beauvoir, Mart[...]
When the noted political philosopher Iris Marion Young died in 2006, her death was mourned as the passing of "one of the most important political philosophers of the past quarter-century" (Cass Sunstein) and as an important and innovative thinker working at the conjunction of a number of important [...]
Democratic equality entails a principle that everyone whose basic interests are affected by policies should be included in the process of making them. Yet individuals and groups often claim that decision making processes are dominated by only some of the interests and perspectives in the society. W[...]
When the noted political philosopher Iris Marion Young died in 2006, her death was mourned as the passing of "one of the most important political philosophers of the past quarter-century" (Cass Sunstein) and as an important and innovative thinker working at the conjunction of a number of important [...]
Feminist social theory and female body experience are the twin themes of Iris Marion Young's twelve outstanding essays written over the past decade and brought together here. Her contributions to social theory raise critical questions about women and citizenship, the relations of capitalism and wome[...]
Much work in feminist ethics has been rather abstract. The editors of this work believe that the time has come to assess the potential contribution of feminist ethical theory to the evaluation of specific social policies. If feminist ethics has indeed mobilized important paradigm shifts in normative[...]
Iris Marion Young is known for her ability to connect theory to public policy and practical politics in ways easily understood by a wide range of readers. This collection of essays, which extends her work on feminist theory, explores questions such as the meaning of moral respect and the ways indivi[...]
In this classic work of feminist political thought, Iris Marion Young challenges the prevailing reduction of social justice to distributive justice. It critically analyzes basic concepts underlying most theories of justice, including impartiality, formal equality, and the unitary moral subjectivity.[...]
Revisiting Iris Marion Young on Normalisation, Inclusion and Democracy presents an innovative collection of politically and theoretically inspiring papers by feminist, queer and postcolonial writers. All authors engage with Young's politics of cultural difference and a 'politics of positional differ[...]
Mot slutet av 1900-talet började många teoretiker och aktivister se framför sig nya möjligheter till transnationellt samarbete för att främja fred och global rättvisa. I Globala utmaningar ger Iris Marion Young nytt liv åt dessa förhoppningar genom att presentera några tydliga svar på vad[...]
Det talas allt oftare om »demokratins kris«. Valdeltagandet sjunker och de politiska partierna tappar medlemmar. Förtroendet för de politiska institutionerna minskar alltmedan politikens former förändras: vi ser att privata aktörer får allt större inflytande samtidigt som allt fler politisk[...]