Hvordan bli en god forsker og hvordan skrive ut forskningsresultatene pÃ¥ en god mÃ¥te? Det handler langt pÃ¥ vei om profesjonsidealer og forskerens etiske ansvar. Metodelitteratur og veiledere oppfordrer ofte studenter og forskere til Ã¥ reflektere over slike spørsmÃ¥l, men gir sjelden konkrete rÃ[...]
Smaller nations have a special place in the international system, with a striking capacity to defy the expectations of most observers and many prominent theories of international relations. This volume of classic essays highlights the ability of small states to counter power with superior commitment[...]
The end of the Soviet system and the transition to the market in Russia, coupled with the inexorable rise of nationalism, has brought to the fore the centuries-old debate about Russia's relationship with Europe. In Russia and the Idea of Europe Iver Neumann discusses whether the tensions between sel[...]
Status-seeking is an important aspect of the foreign policies of a number of small states, but one that has been rarely studied. This book aims to contribute to our understanding not only of status-seeking, by coming at that question from a new angle, that of a small state, but also to our understan[...]
A key debate within International Relations (IR) centers on the character of globalization and what globalization means for the principle of state sovereignty and for the power and functioning of states. Among theorists, realists who argue in favour of the continued importance of states confront con[...]
The 2010 WikiLeaks release of 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables has made it eminently clear that there is a vast gulf between the public face of diplomacy and the opinions and actions that take place behind embassy doors. In At Home with the Diplomats, Iver B. Neumann offers unprecedented access to the[...]
Although diplomacy increasingly takes place in non-traditional settings that are increasingly non-Western, our debates about diplomacy still focus on traditional points of contact such as the conference table, the ministerial office and the press conference. This book is framed as a discussion on wh[...]
Forfatterne sporer diplomatiets historie frem til i dag. De presenterer de viktigste diplomatiske praksisene, og diskuterer dilemmaene diplomater møter i sitt arbeide.[...]
I forbindelse med unionsoppløsningen i 2005 fikk Norge sin egen utenrikspolitikk og dermed sitt eget utenriksdepartement. Neumann og Leira ruller her opp den 100årige historien til den norske utenrikstjenesten. Dette er altså ikke norsk utenrikspolitikks historie, men tjenestens historie. Selvsag[...]
All menneskelig samhandling har en meningsdimensjon, og helt siden positivismestridene på 1970-tallet har samfunnsviterne forsøkt å utvikle metoder som kan hjelpe dem i å forholde seg til mening uten å tape det materielle av syne. Diskursanalysen står sentralt blant de postposivistiske metoden[...]
All social interaktion innehåller en meningsdimension. Ända sedan 1970-talets häftiga kritik mot positivismen har olika samhällsvetare försökt utarbeta metoder som gör det möjligt att relatera till meningsdimensionen utan att samtidigt gå miste om den sociala interaktionens materiella aspek[...]