The Collins Compact Polish Dictionary is the ideal reference for those using Polish for study or business.[...]
A handy dictionary including over 46,000 words and expressions, as well as grammar explanations, a list of false friends, irregular verbs and idioms that are especially difficult for Polish students.[...]
Written by an accomplished team of lexicographers, this dictionary is based on the acclaimed and authoritative two-volume "The New Kosciuszko Foundation Dictionary" (English-Polish, Polish-English), one of the most comprehensive Polish dictionaries ever published. With over 30,000 entries and an ext[...]
Slownik wspolczesny: - innowacyjny i wygodny w uzyciu - wiecej hasel i przygotowanie do egzaminu - wszechstronny i aktualny - praktyczny i pomocny dodatkowo na CD-ROM-ie - brytyjska i amerykanska wymowa wszystkich slow oraz 20 000 przykladowych zdan, tysiace interaktywnych cwiczen leksykalnych [...]