The mysterious life of Prince Valerio Borghese, an Italian World War II naval commando, is examined, including his role in assembling the first modern naval commando squad, as well his post-war activity. 20,000 first printing.[...]
More than any other campaign of WWII, Operation Weserubing has been shrouded in mystery. Strategic political and legal issues were unclear and military issues were dominated by risk. The German success was the result of improvisation and the application of available forces far beyond the comprehensi[...]
Explores the constitutional issues at the heart of the conflict between Britain and its American colonies in the eighteenth century.[...]
This book analyzes how Britons celebrated and critiqued their empire during the short eighteenth century, from about 1730 to 1790.[...]
This book analyzes how Britons celebrated and critiqued their empire during the short eighteenth century, from about 1730 to 1790.[...]