360 chords, organised as a chord per page, this is a flexible, comprehensive solution for anyone learning or playing the guitar at any level. This no-nonsense, easy to carry, wiro book will fit into a gig bag, flight case or hand bag with the minimum of fuss. Revised and updated version, replaces IS[...]
The perfect companion to Piano & Keyboard Chords, Advanced Piano Chords is a handy resource for those who feel they are ready to take the next step. The simple and clean layout provides 15 chords per key, with positions for left and right hand, covering majors, minors, 9ths, augmented 5ths, diminish[...]
Introducing a major new feature for print books: sound! Now you can see the chord, then reach for your phone and hear the chord. Using any free QR code reader app (Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows) a web site opens automatically and you can listen to the piano as a full chord, an arpeggio (each [...]
The classical gods of Rome uncoiled from the fertile imaginations of the ancient Greeks whose gods were passionate and violent, jealous of their powers and subject to both mighty outbursts of love and all-consuming bouts of vengeful war. The dark forces of the ancient world were held at bay by the r[...]
The Vikings and their norse gods fought a constant battle with nature. Their landscape, with its stark mountains and long nights created a particularly rough mythology, with profound contrasts and unforgettable heroes: Odin, Thor and Loki are just some of the familiar characters that maintain an inf[...]
The Algonquins, Iroquois, the legend of Hiawatha and The Last of the Mohicans - the tribes of North America and their folk tales are deeply fascinating because they are unique amongst the mythologies of the world. The tribes were isolated from outside influence for thousands of years and developed a[...]
Populated by gods, High Kings, wilful Queens, noble warriors, fairies, goblins and wizards, the Celtic myths are unsurpassed in their variety and power. This new book is a dazzling collection of the most gripping Celtic tales, vividly retold, gathering together the legends and sagas of this ancient [...]
Creation myths, quests, the eternal battle between good and evil, these are some of the classic tales that feed the ravenous beast of modern culture. For many the classical traditions of the Greeks and the Romans occupy the imagination but the ancient world was a lively and fertile source of stories[...]
"DK Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guide: Crete" will lead you straight to the very best on offer. Whether you're looking for the things not to miss at the Top 10 sights, or want to find the best nightspots; this guide is the perfect pocket-sized companion. Rely on dozens of Top 10 lists - from the Top 10[...]
This is an invaluable resource for any budding songwriter or even an experienced lyricist with writer's block. Featuring tips on songwriting, the book focuses on the types of rhyme and assonance (end rhymes, last syllable rhymes, double rhymes, beginning rhymes, first syllable rhymes) for a range of[...]
A guide for musicians of various genres and players of various instruments. It features 31 of the most commonly used scales and modes in each of the 12 keys.[...]
Finding the right rhyme can be excruciating, songwriters too often choosing ridiculous words in desperation. This is an invaluable resource for any budding songwriter or even an experienced lyricist with writer's block. Featuring tips on songwriting, the book focuses on the types of rhyme and assona[...]
Yli 170 nimekkäimpien kitarasankareiden upeaa riffiä ja sooloa. Mukana nuotit ja tabulatuurit. Varhaisesta bluesista ja klassisesta rockista alternativeen ja indieen.[...]