James Petersen - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: James Petersen
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  1. Fundamentals Of Physical Geography (Pocket)


    James Petersen, L. Michael Trapasso, Dorothy Irene Sack

    ISBN: 9780538736589 - UTGIVEN: 2010-01-31

    Shows how Earth's physical geography impacts humans, and how humans impact Earth's physical geography. This text emphasizes three essential themes to demonstrate the major roles for the discipline - Geography from a Physical Science perspective, Geography from a Spatial perspective, and Geography fr[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  2. Physical Geography (Pocket)


    Robert E. Gabler, Dorothy Irene Sack, James Petersen

    ISBN: 9781111428136 - UTGIVEN: 2011-08-22

    Shows how Earth's physical geography impacts humans, and how humans impact Earth's physical geography. This text emphasizes three essential themes to demonstrate the major roles for the discipline - Geography as a Physical Science, Geography as the Spatial Science, and Geography as Environmental Sci[...]

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    från 686.00 kr
  3. Controversial New Religions (Pocket)


    James R. (EDT) Lewis, Jesper Aa. (EDT) Petersen, James R. (EDT) Lewis

    ISBN: 9780199315314 - UTGIVEN: 2014-08

    In terms of public opinion, new religious movements are considered controversial for a variety of reasons. Their social organization often runs counter to popular expectations by experimenting with communal living, alternative leadership roles, unusual economic dispositions, and new political and et[...]

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    från 420.00 kr