Debating Deliberative Democracy explores the nature and value of deliberation, the feasibility and desirability of consensus on contentious issues, the implications of institutional complexity and cultural diversity for democratic decision making, and the significance of voting and majority rule in [...]
All over the world democratic reforms have brought power to the people - but under conditions where the people have little opportunity to think about the power that they exercise. Do we want a democracy inspired by Madison or by Madison Avenue? A democracy animated by deliberation or by manipulation[...]
I När folket talar presenterar den amerikanske statsvetaren James S. Fishkin sina banbrytande experiment med deliberativa opinionsÂundersökningar (deliberative polls) där man samlar slumpmässigt utvalda personer till deliberation - överläggningar - under förutsättningar som ska göra det mÃ[...]
This consise anthology offers a balanced approach to the enjoyment of reading American literature.Over 20 new authors representing diverse cultural backgrounds allow students to read about unique experiences through the eyes of esteemed writers including Sonia Sanchez, Sherman Alexie, Maxine Hong Ki[...]