This introduction to British society and culture is a joint venture between Danish and Norwegian writers. The focus is on understanding the main features of contemporary British society through discussions of political, historical and cultural processes.The book Modern Britain is primarily aimed at [...]
Boken er delt inn i fire deler. De to første har fokus på Storbritannia og USA mens den tredje har et globalt fokus. Den fjerde delen gir veiledning i muntlig og skriftlig engelsk språk.[...]
This book is a collection of British primary texts from the 18th century until the present time. Its main aim is to present undergraduates with extracts from a wide variety of texts in a cultural context. The authors have, for teaching purposes, divided the anthology into four parts: Revolutionar[...]
Being British er et præcist tidsbillede af, hvordan briternes verden ser ud lige nu. Bogen er en grundig fremstilling af det britiske samfund med korte historiske perspektiveringer skrevet specifikt til danske gymnasieelever.
De seks kapitler indeholder en lettilgængelig og indgående genn[...]
Britain is an important country for Scandinavians and is a fascinating study object for both political, cultural, social and historical reasons. This book, written with a non-British reader in mind, contributes to giving a better and clearer picture of the country. The focus is on understanding the [...]