Few lives of great men offer so much interest--and so many mysteries--as the life of Charles Darwin, the greatest figure of nineteenth-century science, whose ideas are still inspiring discoveries and controversies more than a hundred years after his death. Yet only now, with the publication of "Voya[...]
In 1858, Charles Darwin was forty-nine years old, a gentleman scientist living quietly at Down House in the Kent countryside. He was not yet a focus of debate; his "big book on species" still lay on his desk as a manuscript. For more than twenty years he had been accumulating material for it, puzzli[...]
For readers interested in the development of major scientific concepts and the role of science in the western world, here is the first conceptually organized historical dictionary of scientific thought. The purpose of the dictionary is to illuminate this history by providing a concise, single volume[...]
This concluding volume of Charles Darwin's biography looks closely at the wider publishing world of Victorian England and the different audiences which responded to Darwin's ideas. It considers the Darwinian revolution from his point of view and what it was like to become a scientific celebrity.[...]
Few lives of great men offer so much interest, and so many mysteries, as the life of Charles Darwin, whose ideas are still inspiring discoveries and controversies more than 100 years after his death. His biography is recounted here, by trained biologist and historian of science, Janet Browne.[...]
Yksikään teos ei ole muuttanut käsitystä ihmisyydestä yhtä paljon kuin Charles Darwinin Lajien synty. Teos oli sensaatio ja myytiin loppuun heti ensimmäisenä julkaisupäivänään vuonna 1859, ja siitä tuli kansainvälinen myyntimenestys. Ajatus siitä, että elävät olennot kehittyvät vÃ[...]
Charles Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle is a gripping adventure story, and a turning point in the making of the modern world. Brought together here in chronological order, the letters he wrote and received during his trip provide a first-hand account of a voyage of discovery that was as much perso[...]