Medical child abuse occurs when a child receives unnecessary and potentially harmful medical care at the instigation of a caretaker. Written and edited by leading experts on child abuse, ""Medical Child Abuse: Beyond Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy"" makes the case that the term Munchausen Syndrome by [...]
Presents readers with the advice they need to create a family tree using the Internet.
The real stories, lives and dramas behind the smash hit BBC series Call the Midwife which premieres on PBS September 30, 2012.The official companion to seasons one and two, The Life and Times of Call the Midwife, gives fans a deeper insight into the period, the stories and the characters, and how Ca[...]
Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics is a comprehensive introductory text which discusses the development of pragmatics - its aims and methodology - and also introduces themes that are not generally covered in other texts.
Jenny Thomas focuses on the dynamic nature of speaker[...]
The voyages of Captain Cook are endlessly fascinating to a wide audience, and no aspect of them has been more controversial than Cook's death. This book reprints one of the classic accounts of this episode, the vivid and lively narrative by one of the voyage surgeons, David Samwell. This book not on[...]
This volume critically explores the state of religious and civic life and politics on the margins of state spaces by analysing the themes of borders, education, and religions in northern Europe. It suggests that the formation of religious and civic identity through education is not becoming less par[...]
Böcker, dagstidningar och tidskrifter har fortfarande ett fast grepp om svenska folket. De senaste årtiondenas medieutveckling har också inneburit att mycket läsning numera sker på skärmar av olika slag.
Läsning kan innebära vidgade vyer och ökade kunskaper, insikt i hur andra mÃ[...]
Klyftan mellan de bäst bemedlade och de mest utsatta fortsätter att öka i Sverige och får bland annat tydliga rumsliga konsekvenser i städerna - somliga områden anses åtråvärda, andra inte. Den som är hänvisad till en stigmatiserad adress riskerar att bli stämplad som en förlorare från[...]