In the UN, indigenous peoples have achieved more rights than any other group of people. This book traces this to the ability of indigenous peoples to create consensus among themselves; the establishment of an indigenous caucus; and the construction of a global indigenousness.[...]
Bostadsbristen är ett stort problem i hälften av Sveriges kommuner. Inte minst saknas attraktiva boendealternativ för äldre. Samtidigt stÃ¥r vÃ¥rt samhälle inför en rad välfärdsutmaningar de närmaste 20 Ã¥ren, där andelen äldre av befolkningen blir allt större. Detta ställer nya krav pÃ[...]
This book provides a balanced and integrated introduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules. The underlying basis of quantum mechanics is carefully developed, with respect for the historical tradition and from a molecular angle. The fundamental concepts in the theory of atomic and molecula[...]