Jerome Charyn has been writing some of the most bold and adventurous American fiction for over forty years. His ten-book cycle of novels about madcap New York mayor and police commissioner Isaac Sidel inspired a new generation of younger writers in America and France, where he is a national literary[...]
Yolanda's a convict, caught by the cops while her boyfriend was robbing a bank. Now all the Hell Sisters at Harrington Hills prison farm are in love with her. Their leader wants to "marry" her. Yolanda has to find a way out. She's been taking a philosophy course in jail from Melvin P. Sparks, a Corn[...]
Han är ett hittebarn, funnen på en åker i Ukraina. Han får slåss för sin överlevnad. Tills en dag Sovjets KGB rekryterar honom och skickar honom till USA som agent. Där får han också kämpa för att överleva, fast mot svårare motståndare. En spännande spionthriller i hisnande bilder - [...]
Artist Fabrice Moireau captures the frenetic spirit of New York in vibrant splashes of watercolour in this beautifully produced sketchbook.[...]