Jerri Ledford - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Jerri Ledford
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  1. Jämför priser
    från 198.00 kr
  2. 25 Home Automation Projects for the Evil Genius (Häftad)


    Jerri L. Ledford

    ISBN: 9780071477574 - UTGIVEN: 200702

    TURN YOUR HOME SWEET HOME INTO AN AUTOMATED, EVIL GENIUS PARADISE! Your home may be your castle-but can it cook your dinner? Well, with the help of 25 Home Automation Projects for the Evil Genius, you can teach it to do just that, along with dozens of other affordable, enjoyable things that will tra[...]

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    från 271.00 kr
  3. Web Geek's Guide to Google Chrome (Häftad)


    Jerri L. Ledford, Yvette Davis

    ISBN: 9780789739735 - UTGIVEN: 2009-06

    MAKE THE MOST OF THE WORLD,S HOTTEST NEW BROWSER, GOOGLE CHROME! Finally, there,s a web browser for today,s Internet, and today,s user: you! It,s Chrome. (From Google-of course!) Now, there,s a book that reveals how you can use all of Google Chrome,s built-in power and speed-and extend Chrome to do[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 220.00 kr