If you wanted a picture of the life of Elvis Presley, who better to paint it for you than someone who worked as his trusted cook and maid at Graceland? Someone whose daily tasks centered around keeping the 'King of Rock & Roll' happy, whose every move was designed to please the greatest music legend[...]
All types of electric motors for workshop use are described here. Principles, characteristics, operation, installation, speed control, braking etc. plus generators, safety, testing and a useful section on identifying and applying scrap motors.[...]
Mikä aiheuttaa suhdannevaihtelut? Mitä on kapitalismi ja onko kapitalisti tarpeellinen? Mitä ovat hintasäännöstelyn, toimilupien ja monopolien seuraukset? Mikä ero on valtion ja yksityisten tarjoamilla palveluilla? Mikä on ammattiliittojen rooli hyvinvoinnissa? Mikä olikaan Marxin työn arv[...]