An eye-catching format and strong look, coupled with this great price, makes this book a great reference read or a fine gift for those interested in the Mafia.[...]
"100 Most Infamous Criminals" is an astounding compendium of crimes and their perpetrators. The range of misdeeds is extraordinary, from the bizarre to the horrific, and from the heartbreaking to the ridiculous. The book includes some of history's most notorious criminals and tells in vivid detail t[...]
Den organiserade brottsligheten är ett av vÃ¥r tids mest ökända fenomen. Gangsterbossar som Al Capone, som hävdade att hans spritlangning i själva verket stod i allmänhetens tjänst, och den brutale gangstern John Gotti, har skapat rubriker och gjort människor nyfikna pÃ¥ deras brutala och fÃ[...]