No Shots. No Drugs. No Sick days. Every year in September the spectre of cold and flu season arrives. It has become a fact of life. We might as well allot for our sick days knowing that we will be hit at least once, if not two to three times before Spring's arrival. In every office and in every fami[...]
Despite what you might have heard, diabetes is not a lifelong condition.It does not have to shorten your life span or result in high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, or other life-threatening ailments. In fact, most diabetics can get off medication and become 100 percent hea[...]
Why manage diabetes when you can simply get rid of it?The End of Diabetes delivers: For Type 2 No more highs and lows A 50 percent reduction in medications in the first week and the elimination of all meds within three to six months An end to the need for insulin, usually within the first week Healt[...]
Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. Welcome to the end of dieting.We're fatter, sicker, and hungrier than ever, and the billion-dollar diet industry--with its trendy weight-loss protocols and eat-this-notthat ratios of fat, carbs, and protein--offers only temporary short-term solutions at th[...]
Do you want to eat delicious food that allows you to lose weight and keep it off permanently without hunger or deprivation? Do you want to throw away your medications and recover from chronic illnesses such as heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes? Do you want to maintain your good health, liv[...]
Explains how fasting and the change to a natural diet can renew health, how and why fasting works, and specific dietary and fasting programs for overcoming chronic diseases[...]
A guide for parents on how to maximize a child's chances of good health through diet presents a primarily vegetarian eating plan designed to reduce susceptibility to both childhood and adult diseases, in a resource complemented by numerous recipes. By the author of Fasting and Eating for Health. Rep[...]
We're fatter, sicker and hungrier than ever, and the diet industry - with its trendy weight-loss protocols and eat-this-not that ratios of fat, carbs and protein - offers only temporary short-term solutions at the expense of our permanent long-term health. As a result, we're trapped in a cycle of fo[...]
Hvad gør nogle af os mere modtagelige over for sygdom, hvad enten der er tale om noget alvorligt eller mere harmløst? Hvordan undgår vi at blive syge, når vores kollegaer, børn og øvrige nære familiemedlemmer bliver forkølede og får influenza?
Forfatteren og lÃ[...]