Part of the Naxos Audiobooks "Essential" series, this CD combines some of Poe's best-loved ghost stories, plus a selection of poetry, including "The Raven" and an additional biography. This audiobook features "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", "The Pit and the Pendulum", "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Ma[...]
This collection, selected from more than 140 interviews Gardner granted, presents a wealth of information on the life and art of one of America's foremost novelists. These interviews show him as a novelist, a charismatic teacher of creative writing, and a widely published scholar who has vast knowle[...]
An introduction for postgraduate and undergraduate students to the chemical and physical principles of flame and combustion phenomena. This book should be of interest to undergraduate/postgraduate chemists; chemical engineers; undergraduate/postgraduate mechanical engineers and environmental scienti[...]
Berthold Lubetkin: Architecture and the Tradition of Progress is the definitive account of the life and works of Berthold Lubetkin (1901-1990), Britain's leading Modernist architect. He was awarded the RIBA Royal Gold Medal for Architecture and he is believed to have more listed buildings to his cre[...]
"...the lucid style of all contributions ...makes this volume an accessible read to students ...this volume has also the bonus of offering an excellent appendix on sources for future research ...this collection of essays illustrates precisely why the quality of DEFA film-making should not be confine[...]
The only textbook for the new Higher Chemistry syllabus, being examined from 2012 onwards.
The only textbook for the new Higher Chemistry syllabus, being examined from 2012 onwards.
Written specifically to complement "New Higher Chemistry", this book provides practice for students throughout the course. It offers summaries of essential facts and theories, worked examples and a variety of questions, all of which help to support and reinforce learning and practice for the final e[...]
This important new book brings together the work of top scholars and clinicians at leading universities and medical centers on the benefits and risks of transpersonal therapy. After comparing a variety of multicultural approachesZen Buddhism, existential phenomenology, and Christian mysticism, amon[...]
Explores how ancient people who grasped the timeless principles of sacred geometry were able to create flourishing societies. This title features more than 300 colour illustrations that reveal the secret code within the geometrical figures and shows how they express the spiritual meanings in the key[...]
Med jevne mellomrom er norsk narkotikapolitikk et politisk stridstema, og debatten handler ofte om bruken av det offentlige rom: Hvor skal stoffbrukerne være? Det har vært et tema helt siden hasjrøykerne inntok Slottsparken på slutten av sekstitallet, og debatten fortsetter å rase.Over fire av [...]
Man säger att fönstren är husets ögon, men de ska förstås också kunna hålla värmen inne och kylan ute. Du lär dig byta både fönster och ytterdörr, hur du sätter in en ny glaskassett och byter ut gamla glaslister mot nya av aluminium. Boken visar också hur du tillverkar ett enkelt och [...]