To say "F**k It "feels good. To stop struggling and finally do what you wish . . . to ignore what everyone is telling you and just go your own way . . . feels really great.In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying "F**k It" is the perfect Western expression of the East[...]
If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly. Realising that what you're worrying about and stressing over doesn't really matter so much in[...]
In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying "F**k It "is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up, and finding real freedom by realizing that things don't matter so much (if at all). It's a spiritual way that doesn't require [...]
Think of a question - any question (okay, maybe not a question like "what was the name of my physics teacher?"). Then turn to a page, and experience the magic... the magic of F**k It. We all have questions. And the bestselling F**k It books have provided answers to hundreds of thousands of people a[...]
Fuck det og gør ikke i dag, hvad du kan udsætte til i morgen.
Fuck det og bliv i sengen, til du bliver træt af det.Endelig en selvhjælps-humorbog, der faktisk kan bruges i praksis. Fuck alt - og bliv lykkelig! handler om, hvordan den simple fuck det-filosofi kan gøre dig ti[...]
Fuck It sanominen tuntuu hyvältä. Lakata taistelemasta ja tehdä lopultakin, mitä itse haluaa; olla välittämättä muiden sanomisista ja kulkea omaa tietään tuntuu suurenmoiselta.Kirjailija esittää, että Fuck It on täydellinen länsimainen ilmaisu idän hengellisille ajatuksille irrottaut[...]