Follows the life story of an exuberant golden Labrador who gets into perpetual trouble and experiences a range of inspiring adventures, from comforting his human companions in the aftermath of a devastating miscarriage, to shutting down an entire beach, to guarding a seventeen-year-old neighbor in t[...]
Is it possible for humans to discover the key to happiness through a bigger-than-life, bad-boy dog? Just ask the Grogans.John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with not a care in the world. Then they brought home Marley, a wiggly yellow furball of a pupp[...]
Marley's family has two new kittens--Lucky and Yow-Yow. Marley loves to teach his new friends all about life at the house, but can Marley learn a thing or two from them?[...]
This No.1 Sunday Times bestseller tells the heart-warming tale of how a wiggly yellow fur ball of a puppy could grow into a barrelling, ninety-seven pound stramroller of a Labrador retriever who would prove that unconditional love comes in many forms. John and Jenny were just beginning their life to[...]
"Bad Dogs Have More Fun" is an unforgettable collection of more than seventy-five newspaper articles from "The Philadelphia Inquirer" written by former columnist John Grogan. Combining humor, wit, poignancy, and affection, these columns provide insight into the intriguing and wonderful world we live[...]
Korean edition of Marley & Me by John Grogan.
John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love, with a perfect little house and not a care in the world. Then they bought home Marley, a wiggly yellow fur ball of a puppy. Life would never be the same. Marley quickly grew into a barrelling, ninety-seven pound ste[...]
En historia om en familj och om den underbart neurotiska hund som lärde dem vad som egentligen betyder något i livet.
Jenny och John skulle just börja sitt gemensamma liv. De var unga och kära, de hade ett litet hus och inte ett bekymmer i världen. SÃ¥ bestämde de sig för att öva sina fÃ[...]