"The Western Genre: From Lordsburg to Big Whiskey" offers close readings of the definitive American film movement as represented by such leading exponents as John Ford, Howard Hawks, and Sam Peckinpah. In his consideration of such iconic motifs as the Outlaw Hero and the Lone Rider, John Saunders tr[...]
The 67 songs and rhymes that are recorded on this CD come from all five of the books in the "First Steps in Music" series. These songs and rhymes are designed specifically for one-year-old children and include: bounces such as "Ride Away on Your Horses"; wiggles and tickles like "This Is the Father"[...]
This is an introduction to the history of the Muslim East from the rise of Islam to the Mongol conquests. It explains and indicates the main trends of Islamic historical evolution during the Middle Ages, and will help the non-Orientalist to understand something of the relationship between Islam and [...]
Virology: Principles and Applications is a clear and accessible introduction to this fast-moving field, providing a comprehensive resource enabling the reader to understand the key concepts surrounding this exciting subject. The reader is introduced to the principles of virus structure, replication [...]
"One of the imperishable books of history."" -- The History Book Club Review." This abridged edition makes the great German scholar's multi-volume work accessible to a larger audience. Rivaling Gibbon, Macaulay, and Burckhardt in its scope and power, it chronicles Roman society and government from t[...]
The second edition of Virology is an accessible introduction designed to enable students to understand the principles of virus structure, replication and genetics. The aim of this book is to help the reader appreciate the relevance of virology in the modern world, including the fields of vaccines, a[...]
The second edition of Virology is an accessible introduction designed to enable students to understand the principles of virus structure, replication and genetics. The aim of this book is to help the reader appreciate the relevance of virology in the modern world, including the fields of vaccines,[...]
This is an outstanding collection of text scores from key composers and artists, as well as original essays and interviews offering guidance and lucid analysis. "Word Events" focuses on an approach to notation that uses the written word, as opposed to symbols, to convey information to whoever choose[...]