I Am Not Myself These Days follows a glittering journey through Manhattan's dark underbelly -- a shocking and surreal world where alter egos reign and subsist (barely) on dark wit and chemicals...a tragic romantic comedy where one begins by rooting for the survival of the relationship and ends by ho[...]
From the critically acclaimed author of I Am Not Myself These Days comes the very odd adventures of a starry-eyed young man from the Midwest seeking fame and fortune in the flamboyant surreality of New York, Los Angeles . . . and everywhere in between.Jayson Blocher is tired of worshiping pop cultur[...]
What happens when two New Yorkers (one an ex-drag queen) do the unthinkable: start over, have a herd of kids, and get a little dirty?Find out in this riotous and moving true tale of goats, mud, and a centuries-old mansion in rustic upstate New York--the new memoir by Josh Kilmer-Purcell, author of t[...]
Welcome to Beekman 1802, in Sharon Springs, NY--the historic home of The Fabulous Beekman Boys, Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge. Josh and Brent star in the popular show on Planet Green TV, and they have built a worldwide reputation for their goat's milk soaps and superb, artisanal Blaak cheese.<[...]