"This readable anthology is a good introduction to a civilization that fascinates like few others ...in this book, there are animals who talk, princesses who are locked up at the top of towers, wicked stepmothers and many other themes ...An enjoyable book by a skilled author". - "Financial Times". T[...]
The discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922 was perhaps the world's most important archaeological find. The only near-intact royal tomb to be preserved in the Valley of the Kings, it has supplied an astonishing wealth of artifacts, spurred a global fascination with ancient Egypt, and inspired f[...]
This is the true history and mythology of Tutankhamen. Ninety years ago, Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen's mummy lying, surrounded by grave goods, in a virtually intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Egyptology would never be the same again. "Tutankhamen's Curse" approaches the story of the l[...]
The Romans regarded Cleopatra as 'fatale monstrum', a tyrant to be crushed. Pascal said the shape of her nose changed the history of the world. Shakespeare and Tiepolo (and Elizabeth Taylor) portrayed her as an icon of tragic beauty. But who was Cleopatra, really? This biography discusses about Cleo[...]
As a child Jean-Francois Champollion had but one fervent wish - to travel to Egypt and solve the mystery of the ancient hieroglyphs. Finally, a brief lull in the Mediterranean war against the Ottoman Sultan offered his expedition a window of a few days in 1828 to disembark. Egypt proved a treacherou[...]
Oppdag-serien Kle av en 5000 år gammel mumie, møt merkelige skapninger på havbunnen, gå en tur på sola og få med deg historien om hvordan dinosaurene døde ut! De fire første bøkene i en nyskapende faktabokserie for barn med de aller ferskeste fakta om havet, dinosaurene, Egypt og verdensr[...]
Bli med inn i de gamle Egypternes fascinerende verden! Bevart under Egypts tørre sand ligger en gammel sivilisasjons mysterier. I denne spennende og forseggjorte boken besøker vi de gamle og mørke gravene for å avsløre mumier, trolldommer og skatter. Her kan du lære om en imponerende sivil[...]
Öppnandet av Tutankhamens grav 1922 kom att bli ett av de mest spännande ögonblicken i arkeologins historia. Berättelsen innehåller allt: guld, skatter, en plötslig död, en mumifierad kung och en förbannelse - alla det som gör att forntidens Egypten ständigt fascinerar.
I den hÃ[...]
En magiskt spännande och lustfylld faktaserie för alla unga kunskapssökare.
Innovativ, informativ och intresseväckande.
?Upptäck Egypten? tar med läsaren på en visuellt häftig resa till gamla Egypten. Med hjälp av modern digital bildteknik får man en häpnadsväckand[...]
Muinainen Egypti ei lakkaa kiehtomasta nykyihmisiä, ja aiheesta saadaan jatkuvasti uutta tietoa:Näe miten sarkofagi avataan kerros kerrokselta.Astu kuningas Tutankhamonin hautakammioon.Tutki pyramideja sisältä ja ulkoa.Opi erottamaan egyptiläisten jumalat toisistaan.Pyramidien, temppelien ja eg[...]
In ancient Egypt women enjoyed a legal, social and sexual independence unrivalled by their Greek or Roman sisters, or in fact by most women until the late nineteenth century. They could own and trade in property, work outside the home, marry foreigners and live alone without the protection of a male[...]
Queen - or, as she would prefer to be remembered King - Hatchepsut was an astonishing woman. Brilliantly defying tradition she became the female embodiment of a male role, dressing in men's clothes and even wearing a false beard. Forgotten until Egptologists deciphered hieroglyphics in the 1820's, s[...]
For over a decade Nefertiti, wife of the heretic king Akhenaten, was the most influential woman in the Bronze Age world; a beautiful queen blessed by the sun-god, adored by her family and worshipped by her people. Her image and her name were celebrated throughout Egypt and her future seemed golden.[...]
For nearly two thousand years after the last pharaoh ruled Egypt the wonders of this ancient culture remained hidden, seemingly lost and forgotten for ever. Then, in the late eighteenth century, Napoleons invasion of the country sparked an explosion of interest in ancient Egypt that burns as strongl[...]
Ninety years ago, Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen's mummy lying, surrounded by grave goods, in a virtually intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings. This title approaches the story of the lost king and his development into a cultural icon with fresh eyes.[...]