Poker is predominantly a game of skill, and a major part of that skill is the ability to read your opponent's body language. This book takes the reader through the various stages of the art of reading body language. It explains several stages of lying and bluffing, from the casual beginner's lies to[...]
We live in an image-conscious society where looking the best tends to win over being the best. Human beings judge each other subconsciously in less than three seconds, based on body language alone. Filled with fascinating psychological insights, plus a whole raft of down-to-earth quick-fix tips, The[...]
Would you like the confidence to achieve your goals and go for whatever you want? The good news is that anyone can learn how to be more confident and assertive. All it takes is some simple techniques and a change of attitude. Body language expert and motivational speaker Judi James reveals the secre[...]
The outcome of card games rests heavily on luck, but poker is predominantly a game of skill and a major part of that skill is the ability to read an opponent's body language while maintaining control over your own unspoken signals. Explains each stage of lying and bluffing: James a top body-langua[...]
Boken gir innsikt i de signaler vi sender ut via kroppsspråket. Forfatteren lærer blant annet bort hvordan man skaper et godt førsteinntrykk på arbeidsplassen, leser og evaluerer gester, holdninger og andre ikke-verbale signaler, forbedrer vår evne til kommunikasjon ved å forandre vårt eget k[...]
"Let food be your medicine, medicine your food." -Hippocrates, 2400 B.C. When the "Father of Medicine" uttered those famous words, spices were as important for medicine, embalming, preserving food, and masking bad odors as they were for more mundane culinary matters. Author James A. Duke predicts t[...]