In this classic work, readers are given a window into the authentic meaning of human love as Karol Wojtyla explains relationships between persons, especially concerning sexual ethics. Translator Grzegorz Ignatik, a native Polish speaker, provides helpful notes and defines key terms.[...]
Drawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla has produced a remarkably eloquent and resourceful defense of Catholic tradition in the sphere of family life and sexual morality. He writes in the conviction that science--biology, psyc[...]
Föreliggande bok innehåller texten till de reflektioner som nuvarande påven Johannes Paulus II, dåvarande kardinal Karol Wojtyla, i mars 1976 framlade för påven Paulus VI och påvekurian i Rom som underlag för de i Vatikanen årligen återkommande fasteexercitierna. Med flit har ordet "re[...]