It's the all you need resources for beginners and experienced paper airplane fliers alike with a total of 20 models and 112 flyers, ready to pull out and fold. But the planes are just the beginning. The book features an improved and expanded text section with more photos and tons of cool information[...]
Adapted from the bestselling "World Record Paper Airplane" book series, Tiny Paper Airplanes offers mischief-makers and kids-at-heart a year of zippy, palm-sized airplanes to fold and let soar. Each day s model boasts eye-popping, full-color graphics and is based on one of thirty aerodynamic designs[...]
Harjoittele taitolentoliikkeitä, silmukoita ja syöksykierteitä. Tai haasta kaverisi lennokkikilpailuun. Opi viritysniksit ja anna ilmavirran nostaa lennokkisi korkeuksiin. Lasten paperilennokkikirja sisältää upean paperilennokkilaivueen taitteluarkit sekä ohjeet niiden taittelemiseen ja lennÃ[...]
Boka inneholder 16 papirflymodeller, fra det enkle pilflyet til et biplan, en autogiro og en kopi av NASAs romferge. Den gir en kort innføring i hovedprinsippene bak løft, vekt, framdrift og motstand. Den viser hvilken kasteteknikk som passer til de forskjellige flyene, viser hvordan du kan få fl[...]