Kenneth J Saltman - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Kenneth J Saltman
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  1. Toward a New Common School Movement


    Noah De Lissovoy, Alexander J. Means, Kenneth J. Saltman

    ISBN: 9781612054322 - UTGIVEN: 2013-09

    Toward a New Common School Movement is a bold and urgent call to action. The authors argue that corporate school reform in the United States represents a failed project subverted by profiteering, corruption, and educational inequalities. Toward a New Common School Movement suggests that educational [...]

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    från 1129.00 kr
  2. The Gift of Education (Pocket)


    Kenneth J. Saltman

    ISBN: 9780230615151 - UTGIVEN: 2010-02

    This is a cutting edge book that not only maps and criticizes venture philanthropy but also offers a new and different way of conceptualizing public education in response to the neoliberal climate affecting all aspects of public education.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 384.00 kr
  3. The Failure of Corporate School Reform (Häftad)


    Kenneth J Saltman

    ISBN: 9781612052106 - UTGIVEN: 201208

    Corporate school reforms, especially privatization, union busting, and high-stakes testing have been hailed as the last best hope for public education. Yet, as Kenneth Saltman powerfully argues in this new book, corporate school reforms have decisively failed to deliver on what their proponents have[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 228.00 kr