Assessment, intervention and living with children who are looked after or adopted all require an understanding of psychology and its application. This innovative collection makes thinking psychologically about looked after and adopted children accessible and, in doing so, provides an insight into th[...]
"Nurturing Attachments" combines the experience and wisdom of parents and carers with that of professionals to provide support and practical guidance for foster and adoptive parents looking after children with insecure attachment relationships. It gives an overview of attachment theory and a step-by[...]
All children need love, but for troubled children, a loving home is not always enough. Children who have experienced trauma need to be parented in a special way that helps them feel safe and secure, builds attachments and allows them to heal. Playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy (PACE) are[...]
A Programme for Foster and Adoptive Parent Gr.
Emotional difficulties in children aged 5-11 can display themselves in a range of different behaviours, and it is important for staff in schools to be able to identify and address these problems, and to provide appropriate help. This easy-to-use tool provides an observation checklist which enables s[...]
Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children is full of creative ideas for how you can use stories therapeutically with children in counselling, life story work or direct work. Psychologist Kim S. Golding shows how you can use stories to build connections with children aged 4-16 and supp[...]
Styrk barnets tilknytning er en vejledning for pleje- og adoptivforældre og andre, der tager sig af børn med utrygge tilknytningsrelationer. Bogen kombinerer forældrenes førstehåndserfaringer med professionelles viden og tilbyder en ramme for forældreskabet i form af praksisoriente[...]