Awakening to Awe is a self-help meditation on an alternative-and growing-spiritual movement. This is a movement comprised of people who refuse the "quick-fix" model for healing, whether that model entails popping pills, indulging in material comforts, or adhering to doctrinal dogmas. By contrast, th[...]
Throughout history, human beings have been strangely fascinated by the monstrous and the macabre. In this study of the classic horror story, Dr Schneider explains the enormous attraction of these tales as a result of our thirst for the sacred, and identifies elements of the holy in familiar blood-cu[...]
At a time when two dominant worldviews--nihilistic relativism and dogmatic fundamentalism--threaten to tear our world asunder, Rediscovery of Awe offers a timely and restorative alternative. It weds faith to doubt, and the depth and pathos of religiousity to the openness and discernment of science.A[...]