Kis - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Kis
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  1. Garden Ashes (Häftad)


    Danilo Kis, Kis

    ISBN: 9780156345484 - UTGIVEN: 1994-12

    From young Andi Scham's memories emerges the story of his father, who recedes from life in Yugoslovia and then disappears in the Holocaust. Andi's search for him is a story that "claims you like a symphonic poem" (Library Journal). Translated by William J. Hannaher.

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    från 217.00 kr
  2. Hourglass (Pocket)


    Danilo Kis, Ralph (TRN) Manheim, Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9780810115132 - UTGIVEN: 1997-12

    The Hourglass tells the story of the final months of one man's life in the period leading up to his dispatch to a concentration camp. It is considered to be Danilo Kis's masterpiece. The author died in 1989.[...]

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    från 280.00 kr
  3. The Attic (Pocket)


    Danilo Kis, John K. Cox, Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9781564787347 - UTGIVEN: 201208

    The Attic is Danilo Ki s first novel. Written in 1960, published in 1962, and set in contemporary Belgrade, it explores the relationship of a young man, known only as Orpheus, to the art of writing; it also tracks his relationship with a colorful cast of characters with nicknames such as Eurydice, M[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 163.00 kr
  4. Detektivy Fu-Fu i Kis-Kis. Strashno i smeshno

    ISBN: 9785171038021 - UTGIVEN: 2017-01

    V Skvernyj les priezzhaet zamorskij zverinyj teatr, a vmeste s teatr om v lesu pojavljaetsja zagadochnyj prestupnik. Superdetektivy ? pjos Fu-Fu i kot Kis-Kis ? berutsja za novoe rassledovanie! Chto proiskhodit v zverinom mire?! Strannye ogni za derevjami, svetjaschiesja figury i tainstvennye ischez[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 207.00 kr
  5. Detektivy Fu-Fu i Kis-Kis idut po sledu. Noski vroz! Lapy proch ot elochki!

    ISBN: 9785171136185 - UTGIVEN: 2019-01

    V detektivnom bjuro Fu-Fu i Kis-Kisa rabota kipit vsegda! Geroicheskie syschiki rasputyvajut samye golovolomnye dela, vsemi lapami, usami i khvostami dobivajas torzhestva spravedlivosti.
    Tainstvennyj prestupnik pokhitil klad, kotoryj krot Shisha tolko-tolko uspel otkopat. Zakadychnye druzja pris[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 129.00 kr
  6. The Encyclopedia of the Dead (Häftad)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9780141396989 - UTGIVEN: 2015-05

    This is an entrancing, otherworldly collection of short stories from one of Serbia's most accomplished 20th century writers, new to Penguin Modern Classics. A counter-prophet attempts the impossible to prove his power; a girl sees the hideous fate of her sister and father in a mirror bought from a g[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 115.00 kr
  7. Homo Poeticus: Essays and Interviews (Häftad)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9780374529444 - UTGIVEN: 2003-11

    Serbian writer Danilo Kis was preoccupied with man's dehumanization in a mechanized, totalitarian world. His dazzling fiction established him as one of the most artful and eloquent authors of postwar Europe. In this first collection of his non-fiction, Kis displays the dynamic, sensitive, and insist[...]

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    från 189.00 kr
  8. Encyclopaedia of the Dead (Häftad)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9780810115149 - UTGIVEN: 1998-02

    Continuing the European Classics series, here is the first paperback edition of ". . . one of the finest fantastic collections since Borge's FICCIONES" (THE NATION). In these stories Danilo Kis depicts human relationships, encounters, landscapes--the multitude of details that make up a human life. "[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 172.00 kr
  9. Early Sorrows (Inbunden)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9780811213905 - UTGIVEN: 1998-11

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    från 169.00 kr
  10. A Kis Herceg: [Illusztralt Kiadas] (häftad)

    ISBN: 9781517260095 - UTGIVEN: 2015-09

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    från 184.00 kr
  11. A Tomb for Boris Davidovich (Häftad)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9781564782731 - UTGIVEN: 200702

    Composed of seven dark tales, A Tomb for Boris Davidovich presents variations on the theme of political and social self-destruction throughout Eastern Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. The characters in these stories are caught in a world of political hypocrisy, which ultimately lea[...]

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    från 128.00 kr
  12. Garden, Ashes (Häftad)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9781564783264 - UTGIVEN: 200310

    Garden, Ashes is the remarkable account of Andi Scham's childhood during World War II, as his Jewish family traverses Eastern Europe to escape persecution. As the family moves from house to house, the novel focuses on Andi's relationship with his father; he recounts the endless hours his father pour[...]

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    från 170.00 kr
  13. The Lute and the Scars (Pocket)


    Danilo Kis, Adam Thirlwell, John K. Cox

    ISBN: 9781564787354 - UTGIVEN: 201208

    Written between 1980 and 1986, the six stories that constitute The Lute and the Scars (as well as an untitled piece by the author, included here as A and B ) were transcribed from the manuscripts left by Danilo Ki following his death in 1989. Like the title story, many of these texts are autobiograp[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 132.00 kr
  14. Psalm 44 (Inbunden)


    Danilo Kis, Aleksandar (FRW) Hemon, John K. (TRN) Cox

    ISBN: 9781564787620 - UTGIVEN: 2012-08

    Written when he was only twenty-five, before embarking on the masterpieces that would make him an integral figure in twentieth-century letters, Psalm 44 shows Ki at his most lyrical and unguarded, demonstrating that even in the place of dragons . . . covered with the shadow of death, there can still[...]

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    från 129.00 kr
  15. Vse detektivnye rassledovanija Fu-Fu i Kis-Kisa: . Lapy vverkh! Ara, popalsja! Noski vroz! Lapy proch ot jolochki! YYY smeshno!

    ISBN: 9785170802111 - UTGIVEN: 2014-01

    Esli ty zver, ryba, ptitsa, nasekomoe... ili voobsche chto-to neponjatnoe, to ty objazatelno dolzhen znat o suschestvovanii Detektivnogo Bjuro!Togo samogo Bjuro, v kotorom zhivut i rabotajut dva otvazhnykh syschika - Fu-Fu i Kis-Kis!Dnjom i nochju, v zharu i nepogodu syschiki ne znajut pokoja! Oni c[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 160.00 kr
  16. Snitten & Kis - frygt og bæven og en mand på strømpesokker

    ISBN: 9788711333983 - UTGIVEN: 2014-01

    Det var Kis, der hentede Snitten omme på den anden side af jorden. Han var nemlig den dreng, hun havde ønsket sig i hele sit liv. Og det er Kis, der altid laver hans livret, ristet brød og omelet med champignon og tomat. Hun trøster ham og har så bløde kinder og dejlig hud på albuen, som han[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 126.00 kr
  17. Snitten & Kis - Den hellige vorte og en elendig kop te

    ISBN: 9788711483183 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01

    Hella Joofs anden bog om Snitten og Kis er en hjertevarm historie om, hvordan en sød pige i kjole kan kurerere selv den værste stress, når man er en dreng, der hedder Snitten.

    Kis kan ikke finde Snitten. Da han dukker op, er den helt gal: Snitten har fået stress på grund af den samlede b[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 128.00 kr
  18. Vindskyffet (Inbunden)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9789186703585 - UTGIVEN: 2016-09-25

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    från 196.00 kr
  19. Tidiga sorger (Inbunden)


    Danilo Kis

    ISBN: 9789189538207 - UTGIVEN: 200304

    Det är i slutet av andra världskriget i gränslandet mellan Ungern och Serbien. Vi förs in i pojken Andis värld - ett mycket känsligt barn som upplever allt omkring sig med en smärtsam skärpa. Han är utsatt och annorlunda, men ändå en pojke som alla andra på den ungerska landsbygden. I sk[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 111.00 kr