Författaren Nadja och den chilenske poeten Daniel träffas i New York 1972. När han åker tillbaka till Chile ber han att få lämna kvar sitt gamla skrivbord i hennes lägenhet tillsvidare. Men han kommer aldrig tillbaka. Han är en de många som försvinner spårlöst i Pinochets Chile. Nästan[...]
Shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction 2006 and winner of the 2006 Prix du Meilleur Livre Etranger, "The History of Love" by bestselling author Nicole Krauss explores the lasting power of the written word and the lasting power of love. 'When I was born my mother named me after every girl in a [...]
Award-winning American novelist Nicole Krauss first captivated readers with her groundbreaking debut novel "Man Walks into a Room", a novel in which Krauss explores what it is to lose one's identity and what it is to discover what makes us human. Samson Greene has been missing for eight days when he[...]
A trio of short works by the Nobel laureate and "greatest writer of American prose of the twentieth century" (James Wood, "The New Republic") While Saul Bellow is known best for his longer fiction in award-winning novels such as "The Adventures of Augie March" and "Herzog," "Something to Remember Me[...]
Found wandering in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Samson Greene, a thirty-six-year-old Columbia University English professor, is discovered to have a brain tumor, but when surgery removes the tumor, leaving him with no recollection of his life after the age of twelve, he finds himself struggling t[...]
From Nicole Krauss, author of Man Walks Into a Room, comes an extraordinary book inspired by the author's four grandparents and by a pantheon of authors whose work is haunted by loss—Bruno Schulz, Franz Kafka, and Isaac Babel, among others. Truly a history of love, Krauss's newest novel brims w[...]
For twenty-five years, a reclusive American novelist has been writing at the desk she inherited from a young Chilean poet who disappeared at the hands of Pinochet s secret police; one day a girl claiming to be the poet s daughter arrives to take it away, sending the writer s life reeling. Across the[...]
Sixty years after a book's publication, its author remembers his lost love and missing son, while a teenage girl, named for one of the book's characters, seeks her namesake, as well as a cure for her widowed mother's loneliness. By the author of Man Walks Into a Room. Reader's Guide included. Reprin[...]
For twenty-five years, a reclusive American novelist has been writing at the desk she inherited from a young Chilean poet who disappeared at the hands of Pinochet s secret police; one day a girl claiming to be the poet s daughter arrives to take it away, sending the writer s life reeling. Across the[...]
For twenty-five years, a solitary American novelist has been writing at the desk she inherited from a young poet who disappeared at the hands of Pinochet's secret police; one day a girl claiming to be the poet's daughter arrives to take it away, sending the writer's life reeling. Across the ocean, i[...]
Shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction 2011, Nicole Krauss' "Great House" is a haunting story that explores loss and memory. In New York a woman spends the night with a young Chilean poet before he departs, leaving her at his desk. Later, he is arrested by Pinochet's secret police...In north L[...]
During the winter of 1972, a woman spends a single night with a young Chilean poet before he departs New York, leaving her his desk. It is the only time they ever meet. Two years later, he is arrested by Pinochet's secret police and never seen again. Across the ocean, in the leafy suburbs of London,[...]
"Rachel Shihor is the opposite of a misty-eyed writer," writes Mona Reiserer in the Quarterly Conversation. "Her writing penetrates to the truth of the aches and anxieties all people share, though they must generally suffer them alone." "There is no question that she is a great writer," Nicole Kraus[...]
Inspired by her four grandparents (from four different countries), Krauss tells the story of a man who, 60 years ago in the Polish village where he was born, fell in love and wrote a book. And though he doesn't know it, that book survived, inspiring fabulous circumstances, even love. Unabridged. 8 C[...]
Now in its third year, the Best European Fiction series has become a mainstay in the literary landscape, each year featuring new voices from throughout Europe alongside more established names such as Hilary Mantel, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Ingo Schulze, George Konrad, Victor Pelevin, and Enrique Vil[...]
Ien nedslitt leilighet i New York prøver Leo Gursky å overleve litt til. Hver kveld banker han på radiatoren for at naboen over skal høre at han fortsatt lever.Men livet hans har ikke alltid vært slik. For seksti år siden bodde han hjemme i Polen, der han forelsket seg og skrev en bok. Kjæres[...]
Leo Gursky er kun lige akkurat levende. Hver aften slår han på radiatoren i sin lejlighed i New York for at give livstegn til sin overbo. Den fjortenårige Alma vil gerne finde en mand til sin mor. Moren er oversætter, og en ukendt mand tilbyder hende opgaven at oversætte en gammel bog[...]
Samson Greene, 38, hittas en dag irrande långt ute i Mojaveöknen i Nevada. Han vet inte hur han hamnat där och han vet inte vem han är. När läkare undersöker honom finner man en hjärntumör som troligtvis är orsaken till minnesförlusten. När Samson vaknar upp efter opreationen[...]
Det stora huset består av fyra tätt sammanlänkade historier, där ett gammalt skrivbord med alla sina lådor står i centrum som en metafor för det kollektiva judiska minnet. Utgångspunkten är en kärlekshistoria mellan författarinnan Nadja och den chilenske poeten Daniel. Vi får följa skri[...]
Författaren Nadia och den chilenske poeten Daniel träffas i New York 1972. När han åker tillbaka till Chile ber han att få lämna kvar sitt gamla skrivbord i hennes lägenhet tillsvidare. Men han kommer aldrig tillbaka. Han är en av de många som försvinner spårlöst i Pinochets[...]
New York tidigt sjuttiotal. När den chilenske poeten Daniel återvänder till sitt hemland för att kämpa mot Pinochet får den unga författarinnan Nadia ta över hans stora skrivbord som han säger tillhört Lorca. Men Daniel mördas av den brutala regimen och kommer aldrig tillbaka. För Nadia [...]
»...Nicole Krauss lyckas med det närmast osannolika konststycket att överträffa sitt eget tidigare mästerverk.«
Per Planhammar, GP
»Nicole Krauss är sÃ¥ isande välformulerad att man som läsare upprepade gÃ¥nger tvingas stanna upp och läsa enskilda meningar högt fÃ[...]
"Det var en gång en pojke som älskade en flicka och hennes skratt var en fråga som han ville ägna hela livet åt att besvara. Deras kärlek var hemlig och de berättade inte för någon om den. Han lovade henne att han aldrig så länge han levde skulle älska någon annan."
Att föl[...]