It is not a peaceful time in the Dells. In King City, the young King Nash is clinging to the throne, while rebel lords in the north and south build armies to unseat him. War is coming. And the mountains and forest are filled with spies and thieves. This is where Fire lives, a girl whose beauty is im[...]
Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight--she's a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king's th[...]
Kristin Cashore's best-selling, award-winning fantasy "Graceling" tells the story of the vulnerable yet strong Katsa, a smart, beautiful teenager who lives in a world where selected people are given a Grace, a special talent that can be anything from dancing to swimming. Katsa's is killing. As the k[...]
Kristin Cashores bestselling, award-winning fantasy Graceling tells the story of the vulnerable-yet-strong Katsa, a smart, beautiful teenager who lives in a world where selected people are given a Grace, a special talent that can be anything from dancing to swimming. Katsas is killing. As the kings [...]
A must-read title for all fans of Patrick Rothfuss and Trudi Canavan, FIRE is an exceptional fantasy novel. From the deft characterisation to the gripping story, the fast-paced action to the evocative prose, this is one of the strongest fantasy novels of the year. Set in a world of stunningly beauti[...]
In a world where people born with an exceptional skill, known as a Grace, are feared and exploited, Katsa carries the burden of a skill even she despises: the Grace of killing.
She lives under the command of her Uncle Randa, King of the Middluns, and is expected to carry out his dirty wo[...]
The long-awaited companion to the New York Times bestsellers Graceling and Fire Eight years have passed since the young Princess Bitterblue, and her country, were saved from the vicious King Leck. Now Bitterblue is the queen of Monsea, and her land is at peace. But the influence of her father,[...]
The long-awaited companion to the New York Times bestsellers Graceling and Fire: Eight years have passed since the young Princess Bitterblue, and her country, were saved from the vicious King Leck.
Now Bitterblue is the queen of Monsea, and her land is at peace. But the influence of her [...]
In a world where people born with an exceptional skill, known as a Grace, are feared and exploited, Katsa carries the burden of a skill even she despises: the Grace of killing. She lives under the command of her Uncle Randa, King of the Middluns, and is expected to carry out his dirty work, punnishi[...]
A must-read title for all fans of Patrick Rothfuss and Trudi Canavan, FIRE is an exceptional fantasy novel. From the deft characterisation to the gripping story, the fast-paced action to the evocative prose, this is one of the strongest fantasy novels of the year. Set in a world of stunningly beauti[...]
She is the last of her kind... It is not a peaceful time in the Dells. In King City, the young King Nash is clinging to the throne, while rebel lords in the north and south build armies to unseat him. War is coming. And the mountains and forest are filled with spies and thieves. This is where Fire l[...]
The long-awaited companion to "New York Times" bestsellers "Graceling" and "Fire"
Eight years after "Graceling," Bitterblue is now queen of Monsea. But the influence of her father, a violent psychopath with mind-altering abilities, lives on. Her advisors, who have run things since Leck died, bel[...]
Hvis du har talent for at slå ihjel - hvad vil du så bruge det til?
Katsa er kun lige fyldt otte år da en fjern slægtning kommer på besøg.
Hun bryder sig ikke om ham - han følger tjenestepigerne med lystne blikke og befamler dem, nÃ¥r han tror at ingen lÃ[...]
Hvis du kan kontrollere andres vilje - hvad vil du så få dem til?
Flamme, en ung kvinde med en uimodståelig skønhed, kan styre enhver med tankens kraft. Evnen er dog mere en forbandelse end en gave, for hun er bange for at bringe død og ulykkeover andre.
Tankeläsaren är en otrolig succé som har sålts till 28 länder. Recensionerna har varit fantastiskt positiva, den har placerat sig på New York Times berömda bestsellerlista och har belönats med ett flertal barn- och ungdomsbokspriser och - inte minst - fått tusentals hängivna läsare över [...]
Tankeläsaren är en otrolig succé som har sålts till 28 länder. Recensionerna har varit fantastiskt positiva, den har placerat sig på New York Times berömda bestsellerlista och har belönats med ett flertal barn- och ungdomsbokspriser och - inte minst - fått tusentals hängivna läsare över [...]
Sjuttonåriga Flamma kan läsa människors sinnen och styra deras vilja. Hela hennes väsen är förföriskt, men folk minns hennes elake döde far och undrar om dottern är likadan. Flamma vill bevisa att hon inte alls är som sin far. Med hjälp av sina krafter försöker hon avstyra ett hotande k[...]
Stig in i en helt ny värld! Serien om De utvalda är en läsupplevelse utöver det vanliga! Bitterblue har alltid levt i skuggan av sin ondskefulle far, kung Leck. Han styrde som tyrann över sitt rike och bröt ner sitt folks vilja. När Bitterblue var tio år gammal mördades han, och Bitterblue [...]
Första delen i populär fantasyserie
Tankeläsaren är en otrolig succé som har sålts till 28 länder. Recensionerna har varit fantastiskt positiva, den har placerat sig på New York Times berömda bestsellerlista och har belönats med ett flertal barn- och ungdomsbokspriser och - int[...]