From celebrated children's-food author Lisa Barnes, "Cooking for Baby" is a fully illustrated, gorgeous, four-color book that takes parents through the basics of preparing nutritious, delicious (and easy ) meals for your child, from six to eighteen months.
Parents today know that one of the best[...]
The founder of Petit Appetit, a cooking service for infants and toddlers, introduces more than 150 delicious, quick and easy, organic recipes for healthful dishes for young children ages four months to four years, accompanied by nutritional information for each recipe, time-saving cooking techniques[...]
Alla mår bra av en god början. Inspireras av Lisa Barnes Laga barnmat. Med sina tydliga recept-, förvarings- och serveringstips blir boken en vägledning till smakrika måltider för de minsta.
Laga barnmat är indelad i fyra avsnitt anpassade efter ditt barns ändrade matvanor från 6 till[...]