More and more of us are dreaming of escaping the rat-race, moving to Wales and embracing 'the good life'. But could you really do it, and what might lie ahead? Liz Shankland's practical guide book is a no-nonsense guide to buying and running a smallholding in Wales, aimed at would-be downshifters, w[...]
The idea of keeping a few pigs has undergone something of a renaissance and never before has it been so popular. "The Pig Manual" is a straightforward, no-nonsense guide to getting started - whether your interest is filling your freezer, starting a new business, managing land the traditional way, or[...]
The 'Good Life' has never been so popular. More and more of us are searching for the perfect rural idyll - our very own piece of the countryside where we can live side by side with nature, produce our own food, and have a degree of control over what we eat. Written by an experienced and successful s[...]