"Fingers" is a magician - a really, really good one. When his unfortunate kleptomania sends him to jail, he meets the Daltons and soon escapes with them. After Lucky Luke puts everyone back behind bars, he takes pity on Fingers' unfortunate tendencies and agrees to try to rehabilitate him. A dauntin[...]
Two companies are competing to build the intercontinental railway. When one sends saboteurs to intercept the powder needed to pierce tunnels through the mountains, the other calls upon Lucky Luke to protect a last chance convoy. The problem is, it's not powder that gets loaded onto the train this ti[...]
I det ville Vesten er Lucky Luke kjent som mannen som skyter raskere enn sin egen skygge. Sammen med hesten sin, Jolly Jumper, og hunden Rattata kjemper han mot skurker som brødrene Dalton.[...]
Terrängkartan i skala 1:50 000 är en topografisk karta som omfattar 244 kartblad och har en fullvärdig markslagsredovisning som också innefattar blockig mark, berg i dagen och lövskog. Kartan har även en detaljerad redovisning av höjdkurvor, småvägar, stigar och vägbommar. Kartserien täck[...]