A series of magical images unfolds to reveal an entire world in this edition of "Beyond My Hand." Nothing is what it seems, yet everything makes perfect sense. This book could only have originated in a culture rich in magical realism and visual vocabulary. With color illustrations throughout, this b[...]
In this brilliant retelling of Wagner's Ring Cycle, noted poet Jorge Lujan reveals the true hero of these ancient and powerful myths -- Brunhilda, who through her love, passion, and unwavering loyalty redeems Siegfried. The gods and her whole world come crashing down around her, but by her sacrifice[...]
On a cold winter afternoon, a child draws on the windowpane while waiting for her mother to come home.[...]
From the first page of this unusual and original collaboration between Jorge Lujan and Isol, it's clear that this is not just another counting book. Whether they are discovering that three is for bedtime kisses, or that five is for secret creatures hiding in a glove, children will delight in the poe[...]