Magnus Muhr - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Magnus Muhr
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  1. The Life of Fly (Inbunden)


    Magnus Muhr

    ISBN: 9780811879064 - UTGIVEN: 2011-08

    When they re not buzzing in our ears or ruining our picnics, flies have lives of their own. Until now, their tiny world has remained completely unknown to humankind. In this engaging study, photographer Magnus Muhr carefully documents the world of the common housefly and reveals that when we re not [...]

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    från 159.00 kr
  2. The Life of Fly (Inbunden)


    Magnus Muhr

    ISBN: 9781849531047 - UTGIVEN: 201010

    'A global Internet sensation...hilarious' - "The Daily Mail". For a long time entomologists have been studying the life of the common housefly, but with limited success. Recently, however, a Swedish photographer, Magnus Muhr, has managed to reveal that flies live pretty much like we do. In this extr[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 76.00 kr