The Fate of the World Depends Upon the Power of Feminine Virtue. Today, says this book, we are at a critical point of imbalance. We suffer from a misuse of masculine energy that leads to war, violence, and aggressive competition. Our world is teetering on the brink of destruction; salvation for all [...]
A practical handbook on how to live a longer, happier, and healthier life presents hundreds of common-sense, easy-to-follow, and innovative tips and suggestions for lowering blood pressure, alleviating stress, preventing cancer and other serious illnesses, promoting fitness, and losing weight. Origi[...]
Read Maoshing Ni's posts on the Penguin Blog.
A guide to natural healing that combines the wisdom of Eastern tradition with Western medicine and nutritional science.
"Secrets of Self-Healing" ranges from treating common ailments with healing foods and herbs to the all-round balancing of mind[...]
Achieve a state of relaxed body, tranquillised mind and restored spirit with Qigong meditation, a simple breath/mind exercise, that takes no longer than 10 minutes. The practices on this recording will help you turn on your body's own healing mechanisms for greater immunity and prevention of stress-[...]
"The Tao of Nutrition" provides information on making every meal therapeutic, teaching you how to make appropriate food choices for your ailments, your constitution, and the season of the year. This ancient knowledge from China provides guidance for the seasoned practitioner, as well as the new stud[...]
Shanghaissa lääkäriksi valmistunut mutta nykyään Yhdysvalloissa asuva tohtori Maoshing Ni on kiinalaisen lääketieteen harjoittaja jo 38. polvessa. Hän on praktiikassaan erikoistunut taolaiseen, ikääntymisen vaivoja ennalta ehkäisevään lääketieteeseen. Kiinalaisten asiantuntemus tässÃ[...]