Vetääkö koirasi taluttimessa, vauhkoontuuko se kissoista tai imurista? Kaataako se kumoon pikkulapset? Nämä ja muut yleisimmät pulmatilanteet ratkeavat tämän kirjan ohjeiden avulla, ja tuloksena on entistä tyytyväisempi ja tottelevaisempi koira.Oppaan vaiheittain etenevät ohjeet ovat help[...]
Helps novice chefs navigate the kitchen and learn staple cooking techniques. This book includes choosing the right tools and stocking your pantry; the essential cooking techniques - boiling, poaching, steaming, sauteing, braising, stewing, roasting and grilling; and, a glossary of over 100 common co[...]
Basic tools, techniques, and recipes for creating easy, delicious mealsIt doesn't take culinary mastery and great recipes to be a great cook. "Cooking Basics For Dummies, " 4th Edition, appeals to beginners who want to learn the basics of cooking and implement understandable and practical recipes in[...]
With this fascinating text, you will start to analyze the social and psychological dynamics of racism and the implications it will carry for you as helping professional. Authors Joshua Miller and Ann Marie Garran investigate the many facets of racism in the United States, examining how racism exists[...]