This cornerstone of metaphysical literature explores a cornucopia of topics important to every spiritual seeker.[...]
What is immortality? Does it mean living forever in the same physical body, seeking mechanical or cloned fixes for worn out body parts? No. It means total liberation from the duality of this world and absolute freedom through spiritual mastery and higher consciousness. Immortality is your divine rig[...]
Divide and conquer, the tar-baby syndrome, the salami technique--these are just three of the strategies that the fallen angels (and our own dweller-on-the-threshold) use to trip us up. These strategies of darkness are ancient. Even in the Garden of Eden we can see a typical ploy of the fallen ones t[...]
Alchemy is a powerful method of transformation. In this greatest of all self-help books, Saint Germain reveals techniques to help you transform your life, your town, your planet. He tells you how you can harness spiritual energy, control your emotions and get rid of anxiety. Includes sections on the[...]
The authors prove that many of Jesus' original teachings are missing and that the New Testament records only a fragment of what Jesus taught. This book fills in the gaps with a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message.[...]
Mysteries of the Higher Self Shows how early churchmen - aided and abetted by the Roman emperors Constantine and Justinian - distorted Jesus' true teachings. And robbed you of what he wanted you to know about the power of your own Higher Self.[...]
The authors demonstrate that much of Jesus' teaching has been lost -- either removed from the Gospels, suppressed, kept secret for those being initiated into the deeper mysteries, or never written down at all. Then, in modern vernacular, they present a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' me[...]
This book continues the author's teachings on the inner mysteries of God. It answers profound spiritual questions that are supremely relevant for today.[...]
There are Masters who have come out of all the world's great spiritual traditions. These great lights of East and West have graduated from earth's schoolroom and reunited with Spirit in the process know as the ascension. The Masters tell us that they are examples and not exceptions to the rule. We, [...]
The missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul changed the course of history. But what history does not record is that Paul returned for one more life as the great mystic and miracle-worker Saint Hilarion. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus, Hilarion also cast out devils, healed the sick, raised the dea[...]
The authors recaputre the heart of the Master's message -- that you, like Jesus, are meant to realise your own innate Divinity. You are destined to become one with your own Higher Self, your 'Christ Self'. Long ago, Church Fathers suppressed Jesus' original teaching on the Christ within. But today, [...]
This cornerstone of metaphysical literature explores a cornucopia of topics important to every seeker of spiritual fulfilment.[...]
In the twentieth century alone, more than two hundred appearances of Mary, the mother of Jesus, have been reported in over thirty countries. Some claim Mary has appeared to them as they pray. Others say they have watched her statues "weep" or have seen her images on walls or windows. And some tell u[...]
The dark side. The synthetic self. The not-self. The Gnostics called it the counterfeiting spirit and the Theosophists called it the 'dweller-on-the-threshold'. There exists within all of us a collective consciousness of all our misdeeds, momentums of many lifetimes, which emerges as a pseudo-identi[...]
Mark L.Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveal the lives of the ascended masters and their cities of light in the heaven-world. In the many mansions of the Father's kingdom there are many masters--wayshowers, guides and teachers who have come to show us the way home. Some are the great avatars an[...]
Reveals practical steps to take to reach new dimensions in life.