Marsha Linehan - Recipient of the 2012 American Psychological Foundation (APF) Gold Medal Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Application of Psychology! This session-by-session treatment manual demonstrates how clinicians can teach patients four essential psychosocial skills: mindfulness, interper[...]
Marsha Linehan - Recipient of the 2012 American Psychological Foundation (APF) Gold Medal Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Application of Psychology! Representing a comprehensive, integrated approach to therapy, this is the first volume to provide strategies proven effective in controlled treat[...]
From Marsha M. Linehan--the developer of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)--this comprehensive resource provides vital tools for implementing DBT skills training. The teaching notes and reproducible handouts and worksheets used for over two decades by hundreds of thousands of practitioners have bee[...]
Featuring more than 225 user-friendly handouts and worksheets, this is an essential resource for clients in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training groups or individual therapy. All of the handouts and worksheets discussed in Marsha M. Linehan's DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition,[...]
An important component of DBT is the use of skills training to help manage the extreme beliefs, actions, and attitudes that form the criteria for borderline personality disorder. In actual therapy sessions, the [DVD] shows Dr. Linehan teaching patients the use of such skills as mindfulness, distress[...]
Marsha Linehan - Recipient of the 2012 American Psychological Foundation (APF) Gold Medal Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Application of Psychology! Filling a tremendous need, this highly practical book adapts the proven techniques of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to treatment of multipro[...]
Klienter med borderline personlighedsforstyrrelse har ofte utilstrækkeligt udviklede færdigheder i at regulere tanker, følelser og adfærd. Denne manual præsenterer detaljerede anvisninger på færdighedstræning i forhold til fire hovedområder:
At kunne regulere sine følelser