Hoolifan is the story of one man, Martin King, and his experiences spanning three decades with the country's foremost soccer gang. Chelsea have always been at the cutting edge of football violence, and King himself was at the heart of the evolving Chelsea mob for some 30 years. From his first visit [...]
Everyone is familiar with the gypsy race but few outside their close-knit and ancient comunnity know what being a gypsy is about - how they live and how they think. This is the story of a gypsy man, Jimmy Stockin, born into a world where fighting is first nature. Whilst football maybe the chosen spo[...]
Cien aNos antes de "Juego de tronos.".. llega por fin la precuela de la aclamada CanciOn de hielo y fuego...
Doscientos aNos despuEs de la Conquista, la dinastIa Targaryen vive su apogeo. Los Siete Reinos de Poniente atraviesan un momento de relativa paz en los Ultimos aNos del reinado del buen [...]
HÄR SAMLAS SJUTTON science fiction-noveller. Korta och långa. Humoristiska och dystra. Allvarliga, provocerande och filosofiska. Frågor ställs på ända och ideologier dras till sin spets. Vad skulle kunna hänt och vad kan hända? Vad gör en människa till människa? Hur mycket ska staten få [...]