Infografik hjälper oss att förstå information, lära oss den och komma ihåg den. Den här spännande aktivitetsboksen är en bra introduktion till infografikens värld och vad man behöver veta för att få ut det mesta möjliga av den.[...]
This alternative cookbook takes familiar recipes and reworks them to highlight the yuck factor. Kids can enjoy trying out their cookery skills and throw a gruesome party to gorge themselves on gorgeous but disgusting sounding treats.'[...]
All of the attractively illustrated "Hide & Speak" language-learning books use a tried-and-tested method for teaching children vocabulary in a new language. Kids open the book to any right-hand page, where they will see two vertical lists. The list on the left presents pictures, and the list on the [...]
This is a fun and easy way to learn 50 important phrases in the English language. A simple, colorful game or activity practices two or three phrases at a time. They cover all the important themes including greetings, colors, numbers, family, likes and dislikes. There is extra vocabulary and a simple[...]