Kelly presents seven levels through which we are able to experience intimacy, taking us from the first level 'The Intimacy of Cliche' to the seventh, 'The intimacy of Legitimate Needs.' Throughout he tracks our progression as we share more and more about ourselves with others, while safe-guarding u[...]
Matthew Kelly has inspired more than two million people with his talks and seminars. By combining the ageless tool of storytelling with a profound understanding of today's culture, Kelly brings his universal vision to "The Rhythm of Life", a motivational, easy-to-follow guide geared towards readers [...]
The prescriptive follow-up to the "New York Times" bestseller "The Dream Manager." One of the major issues in our lives today is work-life balance. Everyone wants it; no one has it. But Matthew Kelly believes that work- life balance was a mistake from the start. Because we don't really want balance.[...]
Har du någon gång känt att om du bara inte vore så upptagen jämt skulle du vara lyckligare, friskare, mera effektiv, mera tillfreds ... och kanske till och med en bättre människa?
LIVETS RYTM vill hjälpa dig att fokusera på vem du är och varför du är här. Med denna bok kommer Mat[...]
The Still Divided Academy is a wonderful examination of the academic community that shows their inner workings by addressing a broad range of issues including: academic politics, tenure, perceived and real political imbalance, academic freedom, and diversity. Administrators, professors, and students[...]