Based on a four-part television series, "Kevin McCloud's Grand Tour of Europe" is a behind-the-stairs tour of Europe's high spots with some rather spicy detours into continental lowlife. The author proves himself a masterly companion as he peeks behind famous facades and ventures to the wrong side o[...]
Loosely following in the footsteps of the most notorious grand tourists Kevin clambers in, on and amongst the greatest buildings, ruins and cities in Europe and also veers drastically off the official path to visit the brothels, bathhouses and drinking dens which formed the other half of the grand t[...]
New, practical paperback edition of the landmark design manifesto from the UK's favourite design guru. In this inspirational yet also practical paperback Kevin explores all areas of domestic living, from materialism to sustainability, craftsmanship to comfort. Kevin's beautifully written text brings[...]
Boken Inred med färg presenterar 67 olika färgpaletter, utprovade och testade av Kevin McCloud, som hämtats frÃ¥n moderna, lantliga och urbana miljöer. Dessa 67 färgpaletter och uppslag är uppbyggda av ca 120 stycken färgnyanser som kombineras just för att de passar ihop och är behagliga fÃ[...]
TV's architecture and design guru Kevin McCloud shares his passion and expertise in this brilliant guide to designing and building your own home, illustrated with the most memorable houses from the award-winning Channel 4 series. The book goes way beyond the confines of the usual TV tie-in. Over the[...]
A complete celebration of Britain's favourite architectural show. Grand Designs is broadcast in over 130 countries and regularly gleans 5 million viewers in the UK. Its success, says Kevin, is due to 'good old-fashioned story telling; of joy and sorrow, torment and triumph, expressed tangibly in the[...]
Choosing the right colour for your home can be fraught with difficulties, and with literally thousands of shades of paint available in DIY stores the choice can be overwhelming. With this book, Kevin McCloud has taken the hard work out of home decorating by researching, selecting and combining over [...]
Tässä tyylikkäässä kirjassa Grand Designs -ohjelman arvostettu juontaja Kevin McCloud näyttää, miten värejä hallitaan, käytetään hienostuneesti ja miten niiden avulla muutetaan ympäristöä.Mukana on 65 hyväksi havaittua palettia, jotka koostuvat yli sadasta väristä ja joita voi kä[...]