Jorn Utzon received worldwide fame as the architect of the Sydney Opera House, but his much larger body of work has a breadth and depth that is of great importance for modern architectural history. And yet, little is known of his work outside of academic architectural circles. Arguably the most impo[...]
Om Jørn Utzons (1918-2008) arbejde som arkitekt. Giver indblik i hans arkitektur gennem tematiske diskussioner af kendte såvel som mindre kendte projekter og tekster[...]
In autumn 2003, Arkitektens Forlag/The Danish Architectural Press in collaboration with the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, began the registration and scanning of many thousand drawings from Jørn Utzon's office, which only represent a small part of the material that was stored at the Damsbo manor i[...]
The book contains a collection of essays by scholars and artists from a range of different fields including art, art history, architectural theory and philosophy. The essays are based on papers given at a symposium in Copenhagen in June 2008 and refer to the following considerations: When spectators[...]