In recent years many books have been published in the area of Christology (who is Jesus in himself?) and soteriology (what did he do as Saviour?). A number of notable, ecumenical documents on Christian ministry have also appeared. But in all this literature there is surprisingly little reflection on[...]
A dog-shaped bed-and-breakfast. A house built like a shoe. Two towers that look like they're dancing. You're not dreaming. These are only a few of the crazy buildings found throughout the world. Learn about the many loopy landmarks that wild builders have put together.[...]
"The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Nervous System, 2nd Edition "provides a highly visual guide to the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral motor and sensory systems. These two spectacularly illustrated volumes in the masterwork known as the (CIBA) Netter "Green Books" have been expanded [...]
The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Nervous System, Volume 7, Part III - Peripheral Nervous System[...]
As the classic reference on cleft palates for more than 25 years, 'the blue book' continues to be the single, essential source on cleft lip and palate for all members of the craniofacial team. This essential text provides a unique and comprehensive approach to cleft assessment, treatment, and manage[...]