The Kimes Gang is a fascinating story of youthful boys who began their outlaw ways as vagrants and thieves and graduated to bank robbery and murder. The gang's various crimes covered several southwestern states including Arkansas, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas. Political corruptio[...]
Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis eines regen Austauschs der beiden Autoren mit Wissenschaftlern an Universitäten und Praktikern auf Workshops und Tutorials. Es vermittelt aus Lehrveranstaltungen gewonnene Erkenntnisse zum Thema CSCW ebenso wie gesammelte Erfahrungen aus Projektarbeiten in der Industrie[...]
English summary: Good, datable, archeological finds help in the reconstruction of history, as the newly designed, permanent exhibition about the early Middle Ages in the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum in Mannheim shows. Written sources mention the wildness of the people who lived on the right bank of the Rh[...]