Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding, this book contains over 100 chengyu with its literal meaning, idiomatic meaning, and a short description of where the saying was derived from. "Chengyu" in standard pinyin transliteration and pronounced "chung ewe," literally translates as "become[...]
Part of the Weapons of War series, this book features more than 150 color and black & white illustrations and photographs of tanks and armored vehicles, as well as detailed specificationsTanks and Armored Vehicles, 1900-45 brings together the most important AFVs of the first half of the twentieth ce[...]
Part of the Weapons of War series, this book features more than 150 color and black & white illustrations and photographs as well as detailed specifications of battleships and aircraft carriers from 1900 to the present.Battleships and Aircraft Carriers 1900-Present brings together the most important[...]
Part of the Weapons of War series, this book features more than 150 color and black & white illustrations and photographs as well as detailed specifications on submarines from 1940 to the present.Submarines 1940-Present brings together the most important submarines from the beginning of World War II[...]
Juhani Aho oli oman aikansa kansainvälisesti tunnetuin suomalainen kirjailija. Teos tarkastelee Ahon kirjailijakuvaa ja tuotantoa kansallisten ja kansainvälisten aatteiden ja lajien solmukohtana. Kirja avaa näkökulmia Juhani Ahon tuotantoon, suomen kielellä kirjoitetun kirjallisuuden syntyvaihe[...]